Monday, August 5, 2013

Miller Park

This picture taken of Miller Park which is located at 1 Brewers Way, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Miller Park opened in 2001 at a cost of $400 million and with a seating capacity of 43,000.
A few tidbits about the Park:
Miller Park has no air conditioning - An air circulating system is used when the roof panels are closed.
TGI Friday's Front Row Sports Grill is open 363 days/year - Where one can see the inside of the Park.
200-300 Uecker Seats - Cost of $1 and are sold on day of the game.


  1. Hard to believe they have a statue of Uecker out front. I guess like the song says.....heroes are hard to find. :-)

  2. there are no more heroes any more...think about it....corrupted by greed our society Yoda would
