Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pony Express Station

This picture of a Pony Express Station was taken at Ehmen Park, one (1) mile North of I-80 at 15th and Lake Avenue, Gothenburg, Nebraska.  This building was originally erected in 1854 on the Oregon Trail, four miles East of Fort McPherson, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and used as a Fur Trading and Ranch House.  In the years 1860-1861 this building became the Pony Express Station by Sam Macchette.  From 1861-1931  this Station was used by the Overland Trail Stage where it was used as a dwelling, bunk house, and storage house on the Upper '96' Ranch.  It wasn't until 1931 that the Station was moved from its original site and rebuilt in Ehmen Park.  The Pony Express trail from St Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California, a 1,943 mile trip, took a total of ten (10) days.  Since 1978 the National Pony Express Association rides the trail in a 10 day, round the clock, non-stop event.  Need I say this is history folks!

1 comment:

  1. hard to believe, isn't it. We have no idea how hard life was back then.
