Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Manlove Homestead

This picture was taken of the Manlove Homestead located off Route 287 in East Helena, Montana.  In 1864 a wagon train of pioneers from Iowa headed West for the Oregon country.  Among these pioneers were the Manloves (Jonathan and Elmira) who had to stop near this site to repair their wagon, but instead decided to stay.  Their first dwelling was this log house originally built about a half mile Northwest of this site.  According to records, this is the oldest structure in the Lewis and Clark County.  The residents of East Helena have since constructed a fence completely around the dwelling for protection.


  1. The only thing I'm not fond of is......having to mow the roof! :-)

  2. wow..can one imagine living like this?? God made us more hearty back then....
